Finding the Perfect First Aid Kit

There are a range of First Aid Kits to meet different needs for them whether it is a First Aid Kit for a workplace kitchen, or a First Aid Kit to keep in the car. Being prepared for any First Aid situation is important. There are different First Aid kits such as a Burns Kit, Sports First Aid Kit, or a Workplace First Aid Kit.


Within this blogpost we will share some of the different First Aid Kits that could be useful for you, or your workplace, and sharing the links for how to purchase these First Aid kits.


Workplace First Aid Kits

Firstly, we have various Workplace First Aid Kits from a British Standard First Aid Kit to a HSE First Aid Kit. Having a First Aid Kit in the workplace is mandatory as it is a legal requirement. Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 employers are required to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel as this ensure everyone in the workplace is able to receive immediate attention for any injuries or incidents at work. Each workplace is different, so there are different size kits- it is important to assess your First Aid needs. This can be done by using the workplace First Aid Needs Assessment, you can read more about this on the HSE website.


The British Standard First Aid Kits are designed to account more modern and functional products to assist in workplace common risks. These kits can be purchased in different sizes to accommodate your workplace needs.


Here are the following British Standard First Aid Kits, with a link to each page to give you information on each First Aid Kit:

  • British Standard Workplace First Aid Kit - Small (BS8599-1)

·         British Standard Workplace First Aid Kit - Medium (BS8599-1)

·         British Standard Workplace First Aid Kit - Large (BS8599-1)

There are also HSE First Aid Kits that ensure you comply with the law and have a suitably stocked First Aid Kit within the workplace. Again, these kits can be purchased in different sizes to accommodate your workplace needs.


Here are the following British Standard First Aid Kits, with a link to each page to give you information on each First Aid Kit:

·         HSE 10 Person Standard First Aid Kit

  • HSE Standard First Aid Kit 1-20 Person


Travel first Aid Kits

If you are someone who travels for work or would like a First Aid Kit, there are a range of ones to suit your needs. There are First Aid Kits that are suitable for Taxi Drivers to keep in their vehicle, or for lone workers or people travelling alone that need a small First Aid Kit.


Here are the following Travel First Aid Kits with a link to each page to give you information on each First Aid Kit:


·         First Aid Kit for Cars, Vans and Trucks

·         Vehicle First Aid Kit (Nylon Case)

·         Car and Taxi First Aid Kit

·         First Aid Kit Bum Bag



If you need any further guidance on why you should get a workplace First Aid Kit please read our other blogpost on this- Why You Should Have a Workplace First Aid Kit. We also would suggest checking out the HSE website for further guidance- HSE First Aid.


If you would like further help and support on First Aid Needs Assessment check out our other blogpost- Do you Need a First Aider in the Workplace?